A space devoted to imagination

Shaping a brand


The challenge

In 2007 Nobodinoz opened its first store in Barcelona. A concept store where to find exclusive toys, objects of decoration and furniture, fashion and childcare, infinity of objects with a common denominator, a special care for design. Our work, helping to shape the brand.


How to publicize the entire offer of this brand to boost their sales? First identifying the values and the target audience. Although initially it might seem that Nobodinoz is aimed only at the smallest, its products are also aimed at people of all ages. What does this group have in common? The attitude towards life, a restless and imaginative look, a will to discover and enjoy to the fullest.

Nobodinoz represents the spirit of childhood, the space where imagination lives.

“Nobodinoz represents the spirit of childhood, the space where imagination lives”

The proposal

To create a brand discourse, attractive content appealing to magic, designing surprising and unexpected pieces of communication to strengthen ties with the community of users from all channels. And so we did, deploying entertaining and participative spaces in the network. We gave life to the store, toys were animated thanks to the stop motion, we generated little stories presenting their space through a first website, people quickly joined the newsletter to receiving weekly information of the novelties and proposals, the Blog was born, cultural information and trend, profiles were opened in the main social networks and finally the virtual store, a web shop full of actions and promotions. This way, with the interrelation of all these spaces, a fluid communication, with a marked character, was established.


Thanks to the maturation process, Nobodinoz is currently an international reference brand.

A space devoted to imagination

“Our work, helping to shape the brand”

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