Connecting the port community

Twenty-first century port


The challenge

Portic’s mission is to improve ports performance by developing a set of informatics tools that help accelerating the processes that take place in them. To make that possible the entire port community must participate, but how must it be achieved?


Ports’ performance is complex, a great deal of agents participate in many processes and different tasks. In fact, the logic of operations is deeply rooted in the Roman empire. And then, how a tech company dedicated to telematics could reformulate such ancient habits?

“Thus our proposal consisted in spreading this community spirit.”

The proposal

The agents that come into play are really varied; customs agents, consignees, freight forwarders, truck drivers and many others. Although they are many, few people have the global vision of the entire operation and only know their responsibilities. But there is the exciting thing about the subject, ALL OF THEM are necessary, a port is a great organism or mechanism where all the parts help its correct operative.

Thus our proposal consisted in spreading this community spirit, explaining to everyone, in a simple way, the operation of the port.


As if it were a game of children, pure crafts, we were surrounded by paper, glue and wood, we created a discourse that literally led us to rebuild the port of Barcelona to explain their day to day, a daily life exposed to all the community. This raw material allowed us to define all kinds of communication pieces, from interactive to brochures, from newsletters to puzzles that contributed to spread the message of Portic, exposing the weaknesses of the traditional model and showing the advantages of the new one.

Today the telematic port is a reality.

“Today the telematic port is a reality.”

Connecting the port community

“How a tech company dedicated to telematics could reformulate such ancient habits?

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