Online promotional communication TBDO

Strengthening ties between the scientific community and the companies

CGR Center for Genomic Regulation

The challenge

The scientific community intends to strengthen ties between the world of research and knowledge and the entrepreneurial and company world, to foster their relationship and collaboration and being able to successfully tackle future projects. How to attract and manage that mutual interest?


Often, the scientific spirit has some difficulties transmitting its talent and discoveries beyond its usual environment. On the other hand, companies always need ingenuity and innovation to develop new adventures allowing them to maintain their competitiveness. To put it in another way: two worlds that need each other and do not always know how to meet.

“A communication tool that fosters harmony between two different and complementary users”

The proposal

TBDO Technology & Business Development Office is a project that seeks to create information flows and bonds of trust, and to strengthen collaboration between both parties. Therefore, a new online site is proposed to act as a knowledge showcase and a meeting place for scientists and entrepreneurs. A place built with the rigour of science, but with a close, attractive and direct language of the business world.


An easy and intuitive way to access scientific content published by CGR Center for Genomic Regulation, a catalog of ideas where business spirit and entrepreneurship can easily discover interesting opportunities, a space in which all the steps and necessary procedures are collected to initiate and close collaboration agreements and, above all, a communication tool that fosters harmony between two different and complementary users.

Online promotional communication
CGR Center for Genomic Regulation

“A knowledge showcase and a meeting place for scientists and entrepreneurs”

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