You deserve it, the audiovisual platform


The challenge is the Professional Audiovisual Design Platform promoted by the ADG-FAD, which has organized an international meeting for years. We were lucky to be invited to think and produce the communication of one of its editions.

Analysis is not only an annual meeting for professionals in the audiovisual sector, it is also a promoter of different types of meetings and periodic activities, and it is also an Internet platform, a site that collects and reflects the current situation of the sector and promotes and invites to reflect on.

However, one of the weaknesses lies in the lack of engagement and participation in its space in the network. In this sense, could it not be possible for us to take advantage of the communication of the annual event to induce the audiovisual community to use the online platform?

“The first step consists in finding a powerful creative axis to be able to deploy a coherent communication action”

The proposal

We know that the first step consists in finding a powerful creative axis to be able to deploy a coherent communication action. In this case we chose “You deserve it” a concept that plays with the ambiguity between reward and punishment. The idea was to speak directly to the public giving this double message: you deserve this audiovisual platform, it is a gift, take it, use it, express it or otherwise, get the consequences!

We generated an imaginary in which three actors showed aspects of sensuality confused with punishment and reproach to provoke an emotional ambivalence. We deployed a global communication action, adapting the discourse both to traditional media (press, television) and Internet 2.0 (social networks, blogs, banners).

The titles of the festival begin with a hand trapping and squeezing the logo, the resulting fluid appears in the successive scenes as the manifestation of an impact, a surprise … in short, an emotion. The audiovisual material conveys emotions and finally the untamed beast joins again in the logo next to the main concept “You deserve it”.


The sixth edition, 2010, hung the poster “Out of stock”.

You deserve it

“You deserve this audiovisual platform, it is a gift, take it, use it, express it or otherwise, get the consequences!”

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